the law for encouragement of capital investments|the law for encouragement of capital investment in English

law that deals with aiding investors and economic entrepreneurs

Use "the law for encouragement of capital investments|the law for encouragement of capital investment" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the law for encouragement of capital investments|the law for encouragement of capital investment" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the law for encouragement of capital investments|the law for encouragement of capital investment", or refer to the context using the word "the law for encouragement of capital investments|the law for encouragement of capital investment" in the English Dictionary.

1. Investments, return on investment and ability to raise capital

2. Thanks for the encouragement.

3. access to the capital market for the financing of productive investments

4. Investments, return on investment, cash flow and the ability to raise capital

5. (e) Investments, return on investment, cash flow and the ability to raise capital

6. The backbone of making investment decisions for global holders of capital.

7. The complainant also alleged that Article 15.1 of the same law authorises accelerated depreciation for capital goods.

8. Financial investment services in the field of funds, equities, stocks, commodities, bonds, securities and capital investments

9. Especially in last year, revises of Company Law and Security Law and the promulgation of Interim Regulations on Administration of Venture Capital perfect our legal environment of venture capital.

10. Profitability, cash flow, investments, return on investment and ability to raise capital

11. Under the Mosaic Law, it is a capital offense.

12. Outlets had to be found for the investment of this capital .

13. The National Assembly is currently discussing a draft law on investment and management of state capital in state owned enterprises (SOEs).

14. Profitability, cash flow, investments, return on investment, ability to raise capital, and wages

15. GDP adjusted for income estimate of investment in human capital

16. Profitability, cash flow, return on investment, ability to raise capital, investments and wages

17. Renegade forces captured the capital and declared/imposed martial law.

18. Gross Capital Stock provides a measure of accumulated capital investment.

19. Administration of capital investments in the form of real estate

20. Attempted murder is a capital offense under Zambian law.

21. This conforms the state with a new federal capital gains law.

22. According to the criminal law murder can be a capital offence.

23. Law of net present worth and law of embedded pay rate are two kinds of in capital budget analysis the most important methods.

24. The Yearbook —A Treasury of Encouragement

25. 2008 — Acquisition of the investment company Design Capital.